` Fortune In, Devils Out ! ` Event.... 2014.02.03
Today, Feb 3rd, we have our Buddhism Event called ` Se-tsu-bun `. We throw roasted soy beans to each other to get rid of bad things. One of the families play a role of a devil, and we throw beans to the person. When I was a kid, my father or my brother took the role..
Now I only have this event at a temple in the village. Sutra has already begun at 4:00pm, at 5:30 for beans. I had already given them my wish written on a wood plate saying ` I wish someone will move to the village and work with me ! brabrabra `
But I found most people only wrote ` 家内安全` only four kanji letters, which means ` well-being of the family `.
That's too simple ! but of course, important...
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