Joop and Me at the Studio2013.04.03
While I was carving, Joop was explaing what we're going to print to JanCoen and Ludi...........
They and Nancy tried to offer me a good condition adjusting the light, asking me if I was doing all right ....
I was such a lucky person surrounded with those wonderful people. That made me more passionate on my work.
backnumber more
- My tomatoes !2016.07.29
- Lucky me 22016.07.28
- Lucky me 12016.07.28
- Fountain 22016.07.28
- Fountain 12016.07.28
- Hope it will survive long 2016.07.28
- Bugs in summer ...!2016.07.28
- One morning in the rice field 2016.07.25
- New wings 2016.07.25
- This early morning 2016.07.23
- Bike in the morning for sketches 2016.07.23
- Smaller one2016.07.21