Dear readers 2016.08.01
Thank you so much for checking this site which started in 2010. I'm closing this blog now since I quit my papermaking job a month ago. This was my sixteenth year as a papermaker, but I couldn't help regarding myself only as a labor worker despite of the fact that I was part of this precious craftsmanship. It's just because I was not a studio owner.
I don't know how to survive next decades but I will keep painting and creating my own art world in this village using mainly washi. My new blog is getting ready now. Please visit the site, if you're interested.
And thank you again for sharing my unique life in the countryside.
Rina Aoki
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Dear readers 2016.08.01
Morning sketches 2016.07.29
My favorite area 2016.07.28
On washi 2016.07.28
Father and s daughter 2016.07.28
After the shocking incident 2016.07.27
Still life 2016.07.26
Dancers 2016.07.26
Sketching at the temple 2016.07.25
Sumo on MO washi 2016.07.25
Writing 2016.07.23
Tried ink on washi 2016.07.23